Meherat Yerga Ministries is an evangelistic ministry with a vision to reach and touch lives around the world with gospel of Jesus Christ, through evangelistic crusades, revivals, leadership seminars, conferences, Christian literature, (Bibles, Books, newsletters,  and more) and media, audio, video and internet outreach

The outreach of Meherat Yerga Ministries is made possible through the generosity of our dear Friends and Partners, that faithfully pray and financially support the work God  has called us to accomplish. Together, we can reach and impact lives for eternity.

Help us fulfill  the vision the Lord has given us, which is to reach the lost, to edify and build up Believers for the work of the ministry, and to equip, train and encourage church leaders for this end time harvest.

To make a donation to the ministry, please click on the button above which will take you to PayPal.  Donations may be made securely via credit card or paypal account.   We are a FL 501(c)3 corporation.  Thank you for your support of this ministry!

For mailing check: 

Meherat Yerga Ministries
P. O. Box 153163
Tampa, FL33684